Here are 7 Ways to Naturally Boost Your Fertility

These 7 steps can make your life healthier and tip the scales in your favor. Give them a try!

                                                                 Live Healthily

Maintain a diet full of greens and lean proteins to keep your Body Mass Index (BMI) in the 18.5-24.9 range. Studies show that BMIs above 29 can reduce your chance of pregnancy, so work out regularly and eat nutritious foods.
Say No to Stress
Stress is generally bad, but can especially be harmful when you're trying to conceive. Meditate. Walk the dog. Breathe. Try yoga. Do whatever you can to lower your stress levels. Not only will you feel better, but you may also increase your chances of getting pregnant.
Cut Coffee and Cocktail
If you want to get pregnant, stick to no more than 200mg of caffeine a day, or about two cups of coffee. And those cocktails? Think twice. Studies have shown drinking while trying to get pregnant can decrease your chances of getting pregnant by more than 50%!
Stop Smoking
There are no positives to smoking. From the numerous chemicals to the potential of lung cancer, the cost of smoking is never worth the price you pay. Quit now for a better tomorrow.
Use Ovulation Tests
Try ovulation predictor kits (OPKs) that give you positive results the day before you ovulate, giving you ample time to plan. There are also fertility tracking apps to help identify your peak fertility windows.

Have Sex

Keep having sex regularly, but don't exhaust yourself. It's a good idea to have sex one to two days before ovulation and then again on the day you think you're ovulating.

Take Your Vitamins

When you combine Folic Acid with the other B vitamins, you can also increase your overall chances of becoming pregnant. Vitamin B12 has been found to increase sperm count, so make sure your partner gets plenty too.
