Tilgul ladoo recipe | sesame seeds ladoo recipe

Tilgul ladoo recipe | sesame seeds Ladoo recipe


cup sesame seeds (til)

1⁄4 cup peanuts (moongphali)

1⁄4 teaspoon cardamom powder

1⁄2 cup grated jaggery 

1/2 Tsp Ghee


Heat a pan and add 1/3 cup sesame seeds to it. On a low flame roast the sesame seeds. the sesame seeds pop and change color remove and keep aside on a plate then add 1/4 cup peanuts . dry roast the peanuts on a low flame stirring often till they become crunchy and keep aside on a plate.In the same pan, add 1/2 Ghee  then add 1/2 cup  jaggery keep the pan on the stove top on a low flame keep on stirring the jaggery so that it dissolves.
Put a drop of jaggery in cold water try to break this drop, If it stretches then jaggery is not ready.stirring the jaggery .Put a drop of jaggery again, try breaking this drop if it breaks crisply then its ready at this stage, switch off the flame and add the dry roasted mixture of sesame seeds, desiccated coconut, crushed peanuts and cardamom powder.mix the dry roasted mixture with the jaggery solution very well.keep the pan down.when the mixture is still hot, begin to form sesame ladoos from it. if too hot, then wait a minute and then form the ladoos.  

If you made this recipe and loved it, let me know in the comments section!
